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Bakground theme inspired by
«Moviment in Squares»
by Bridget Riley (1961)
«Gymnopedies No 1»
by Erik Satie (1888)
Feel free to copy whatever you like from the site.
Best viewed:
IE 1024x768
This page last updated:
2006, August, 30

© Piero Vianelli

In case of disinformation

So you don't know me. Or maybe you think you know me, but you are courious. Or you are courious about my friends, or in general.
Here are some photos, some information.
Small fragments.
Like in a puzzle. Like looking through the fog. Like touching something in the dark.
Maybe this will start the destruction of the image you have of me; maybe it will be the beginning of a new construction, or of the first construcion.

...It seems a bit negative this approach...

These pages are a distilled, a juxtaposition of rubbish and golden nuggets. So it is up to you discerning the good from the bad. It is up to you finding the hidden links, the fragile glass web, the cutting razor's edge. Enjoy the search!

PS. Obvously the section «Me» is about my facts of life and «Friends» is about my friends. On the other hand, the section «People» picks up news from all over the world. I am sure you miss most of them.


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