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Bakground theme inspired by
«Moviment in Squares»
by Bridget Riley (1961)
«Gymnopedies No 1»
by Erik Satie (1888)
Feel free to copy whatever you like from the site.
Best viewed:
IE 1024x768
This page last updated:
2006, October, 13
© Piero Vianelli
Sharing time and emotions with your friends never is a waste of time.
All together in Roma
The Six Nations match Italia-France was the opportunity for having
both Fede and Paolo in Roma.
Me, Monica and Marco
Roma (Italy)
March 2003
Fede, me and Monica
Roma (Italy)
March 2003
Me, Fede and Paolo
Roma (Italy)
March 2003
Fede visiting Roma
The Six Nations match Italia-Scotland was the opportunity for a couple of days visiting Roma (and my new flat).
Fede at the Vittoriano
Roma (Italy)
February 2002
Skiing in the Dolomiti
Not much snow, but when you are an able skier, everything fits.
Pepsi eating & sleeping
Val Zoldana (Italy)
January 2002
With the girls!
Val Zoldana (Italy)
January 2002
Pepsi needs a loo! ... ;->
Val Zoldana (Italy)
January 2002
Pepsi skiing by night
Val Zoldana (Italy)
January 2002
Pepsi sunbathing
Val Zoldana (Italy)
January 2002