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Bakground theme inspired by
«Moviment in Squares»
by Bridget Riley (1961)
«Gymnopedies No 1»
by Erik Satie (1888)
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This page last updated:
2008, February, 15
© Piero Vianelli
Bachelor degree's graduation
The 29th November 1991, my Italian university career was over.
I struggled 10 years, including a course switch, a 20 months spell in the army (conscience
objector) and other personal up and downs. But, at the end of the day, I made it, and with
maximum marks!
The discussion begins
Venezia (Italy)
November 1991
The communication of the final mark
Venezia (Italy)
November 1991
With the laurum
Venezia (Italy)
November 1991
The strip begins
Venezia (Italy)
November 1991
Just after reading aloud the «papiro»
Venezia (Italy)
November 1991
The strip goes on...
Venezia (Italy)
November 1991
What a pair of legs!
Venezia (Italy)
November 1991
Re-dresssing after some alcooholic drink
Venezia (Italy)
November 1991
The text
Cryptic, obscure, too much synthetic but at the same time
innovative, plenty of ideas, of developments and of potential.
I still wonder at the contents of this book.
Who knows? Maybe, in the future, I’ll explore some
of the paths that the dissertation points out.
The dissertation
Venezia (Italy)
November 1991